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In a world of instant gratification it can be hard enough to wait for the next season of your favourite television show to be released onto Netflix, let alone wait for your fancy new face cream to work its magic. We have all been there, you purchase the luxurious new product and slather your face in the complexion perfection promising potion only to wake up the next morning and find your skin has not changed. A week into your new routine and still nothing, or maybe your skin has really thrown its toys and gotten worse, so you banish said new beauty potion and try something else instead.

I get it, it’s hard to have patience when all you want it the healthy glowing complexion of the model in the advertisement especially when you have forked out your hard earned cash for it. This said, good things do take time and constantly switching your products on the search for the skin care Holy Grail could be doing more harm than good.

 Let me explain the science behind it, your skin is made up of several layers of cells and these cells take on average 28 days to move from the deepest layer to the surface layer before sheading. This means it will take at least 28 days for you to see an effect from a new product and that’s if you have a healthy cell turn over. Now if you are wanting to correct a particular skin condition you may notice the symptoms you wish to improve actually get a little worse during this time. As the cells move upwards through the layers they effectively go through a detox and bring unhealthy cells to the surface for sheading.

The next phase is normalisation of the cells, time for your cells to feed on all of those skin loving vitamins and antioxidants in your new cream to actually make your cells be better rather than just feel nice on the surface. Once again allow a full 28 day cell cycle for this to happen sometimes a little longer if you have seen a lot of sun. Once your skin has normalised you can then work on correcting any skin conditions such as pigmentation, redness or lines by introducing a good serum targeted at your concern.

Most moisturisers will contain enough product to get you through these stages so hang in there. Consistency is key here, by giving your skin time to detox, normalise and condition  not only will your complexion love you, you pocket will too.


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