Product of the Week and our Monthly Special!!
Hi everyone,
What a busy week it had been for us here at All About You. The girls have done a fantastic job of helping me find my way and to introduce me to so many of our lovely clients. Its been so great to have your ongoing support throughout the transition of management and its very much appreciated. What a great team we have! As things are starting to settle down and I find my groove, we are starting to come up with some exciting new specials to introduce in the coming months. We are also putting our thinking caps on to see how we best utilise the space out in the retreat. We have a few ideas, so watch out for our survey that will be heading your way over the next few weeks so you can have your say. Product Of The Week and Monthly Special! Below you will see we have added a product of the week and a reminder of this months special! This will be something we do weekly to showcase our products so you have the opportunity to find out more information. We don't always have time to tell you about the lovely product we have at All About You so adding the product of the week to our news letter gives us a good chance to highlight the products we love so we can tell you all about them. So my product of the week this week is the Bestow Within-The Natural Food Journal. I picked this product because this is where the journey to good skincare begins. Last week we had the pleasure of furthering our knowledge from the lovely Janine Tait the founder of the beautiful Bestow products. She has kindly reminded us all about how important it is to not only feed the skin from the outside but how often we neglect to feed it from the inside.
When you eat your way to healthy skin, you feed your skin from the inside and out. This can play an important part in a radiant complexion; your skin can’t help but look amazing. Remember that old saying “you are what you eat” that is true, who wouldn’t want to be more beautiful simply by eating beauty-boosting foods? As it turns out, the foods that are good for you on the inside are also good for you on the outside. Conversely, the condition of your skin, hair, and nails offers clues to the health of your entire body.
Have you ever noticed that when you eat unhealthy foods your skin reflects that? Eating the right foods can help your skin fight acne, reduce redness and inflammation, resolve moisture problems, and even reduce wrinkles. Your skin is the largest organ, you must care for it in 2 ways: from the inside out, and from the outside and in. Make a promise to your skin today to keep it nourished and rejuvenated from the inside out! Having healthy skin year-round begins with you.
Yours in Beauty xx  Tracy
Product Of The Week
BESTOW WITHIN the natural recipe journal – Volume I
We would like to introduce some beautiful rituals into your daily life that nurture and support you. So here is our selection of delicious recipes that bestow health and radiance to your being and your skin. Bestow Within is our collaborative project packaged in two beautiful recipe journals, you can read more about us below
IPL Bonus Shots Special

Only 5 more available so don't delay, purchase yours now.
IPL Bonus Shots Package
You asked for it, we have listened and this special is back for all clients who have completed IPL previously and need a top up. Shots can be used on any area previously treated for maintenance.
Buy 100 shots for $150. (50% discount)
Only 2 packages per client and only 50 packages to sell !
- You must have purchased and had IPL hair removal treatments with All About You prior to May 2016. Not sure give us a call on 348 3949.
- Limit max. two packages per client